Mini Panggi
Deputy Director, Institut Sosial Malaysia
[email protected]
03-7985 3201

Role of the Chief Digital Officer (CDO) at Institut Sosial Malaysia

  1. Leading Digital Initiatives
    Spearheading digitalisation initiatives at ISM through the use of data, analytics, and digital technology.
  2. Establishing a Data-Driven Culture
    Cultivating a data-driven culture in the public sector that adheres to principle-based approaches through the utilisation of data and digital technology.
  3. Transforming Digital Service Delivery
    Enhancing digital service delivery at ISM with a customer-centric focus based on the Whole-of-Government concept, leveraging innovations in data sharing, open data, and emerging technologies.
  4. Evaluating and Coordinating Digital Services
    Assessing, coordinating, and recommending requirements for digital services, technical service design, development budgets, and managing agencies as implementers of digitalisation initiatives and projects.
  5. Driving Change Through Strategic Alignment
    Aligning ISM’s Digital Strategic Plan (Pelan Strategik Pendigitalan - PSP) with the Ministry’s PSP by:
    1. Ensuring ISM’s PSP is in line with the Public Sector PSP and includes risk management and change management plans.
    2. Ensuring ISM’s Enterprise Architecture (EA) blueprint is developed.
    3. Strengthening ISM’s digital governance structure and coordinating the adoption of global policies, standards, and best practices.