Organising conferences in the field of social work is an effort to enhance social services at the national and international levels. These conferences are conducted through strategic collaborations between ISM and several higher learning institutions, such as Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) and Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM).

National Social Work Summit

Social work is a profession that requires specific skills to be effectively applied in all case management handled by the Ministry of Women, Family and Community Development (KPWKM). This makes the social work profession particularly challenging, necessitating continuous and dynamic competency development. In response, the National Social Work Summit was first organised in 2023, bringing together experienced social workers and practitioners on a unified platform to outline and set the direction for the development of the social work profession in Malaysia.

The inaugural National Social Work Summit, themed "Celebrating Social Work in Malaysia: Respecting Diversity Through Joint Social Action," was attended by various experts from both local and international arenas.

International Conference on Human Sustainability (INSAN)

The INSAN Conference addresses future issues and challenges regarding human sustainability from a multidisciplinary perspective within the social sciences and humanities in the context of social development. This conference also provides participants with exposure to a culture of exploration, appreciation, and love for knowledge through the sharing of information across various disciplines. Additionally, it establishes networks of expertise among academics and professionals from both domestic and international spheres.

International Social Development Conference (ISDC)

The International Social Development Conference (ISDC) serves as a platform to explore psychosocial issues concerning individuals, families, and communities, as well as to discuss the latest initiatives across various disciplines in social services to enhance societal well-being. This international conference offers academics, professionals, and researchers an opportunity to share studies conducted in the field of social work.