The main objective of the study was to design and develop a comprehensive support system action plan for registered caregivers of PWDs. This study involved a sample of 2,333 informal caregivers covering all seven categories of PWDs. The sample study for formal caregivers (PWD care centres) included 213 care centres, consisting of 162 Community-Based Rehabilitation centres, seven Taman Sinar Harapan centres, 27 care centres run by non-governmental organisations (NGOs), 13 private care centres, and four individual care centres.

The main issue identified is the lack of recognition for PWD caregivers, which results in incomplete information about caregivers for reference. The assistance or support available to PWD caregivers in Malaysia is considered very limited, as there is no centralised database for registered PWD caregivers that can be accessed or shared across ministries, departments, agencies at the federal and state levels, the private sector, and NGOs. This makes it challenging to coordinate the provision of assistance and support according to the actual needs of PWD caregivers.